10 Excellent Herbal Teas for Better Digestion and Gastritis Relief

Hands, toast and restaurant with drink, alcohol or friends for congratulations, celebration or part.

Do herbal teas for gastritis work?

Tea, an ancient beverage with roots spanning across cultures and civilizations, holds a special place in human history. 

Originating in China thousands of years ago, tea has evolved into a global phenomenon, cherished for its diverse flavors and numerous health benefits. 

From the traditional tea ceremonies of Japan to the comforting chai of India, tea plays an essential role in ensuring wellbeing and fostering social connections. 

Beyond its cultural significance, tea, especially herbal teas, has been recognized for its medicinal properties, offering natural remedies for various ailments, including digestive issues like gastritis.

Tea’s Health Benefits

Tea, whether black, green, or herbal, is renowned for its health-promoting properties. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, tea can boost the immune system, improve cognitive function, and support overall health. 

Herbal teas, in particular, harness the therapeutic properties of plants, offering a natural approach to wellness. 

Each herbal infusion carries a unique blend of compounds that contribute to its medicinal benefits, making them valuable allies in promoting digestive health and providing relief from conditions like gastritis.

Medicinal Properties of Teas for Gastritis

Family Enjoying tea In Wooden Cottage

Gastritis, characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining, can cause discomfort and disrupt digestion. 

While conventional treatments focus on medication and dietary modifications, herbal teas have emerged as effective adjunct therapies for managing gastritis symptoms. 

Peppermint tea, for instance, contains menthol, which relaxes stomach muscles and alleviates bloating and indigestion. 

Similarly, chamomile tea boasts anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated stomach lining, reducing nausea and abdominal pain. 

Ginger tea aids digestion by stimulating gastric juices and reducing inflammation, making it beneficial for individuals with gastritis.

Science Supporting Herbal Teas as Natural Remedies

The medicinal properties of herbal teas for gastritis relief are supported by scientific research. 

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of peppermint oil, a key component of peppermint tea, in reducing symptoms of dyspepsia, including bloating and stomach discomfort. 

Likewise, chamomile tea has been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, offering anti-inflammatory effects that help alleviate gastritis symptoms. 

Ginger, another popular herbal remedy, contains bioactive compounds like gingerol and shogaol, which exert gastroprotective effects by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the stomach lining.

Let’s explore 10 herbal teas renowned for their digestive benefits.

A top view of herbal and natural dry tea set in colorful small bowls and vintage silverware spoons
  • Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea tops the list for its ability to ease digestive discomfort. It contains menthol, which relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, reducing bloating, gas, and indigestion. 

Sipping on a warm cup of peppermint tea after meals can help soothe the stomach and alleviate symptoms of gastritis.

peppermint tea for gastritis
  • Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is prized for its calming properties, making it an excellent choice for relieving gastrointestinal issues. 

This herbal tea has anti-inflammatory effects that can help soothe irritated stomach lining, reducing symptoms of gastritis such as nausea and abdominal pain. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime to promote relaxation and aid digestion.

  • Ginger Tea

Ginger has long been used as a remedy for various digestive issues, including gastritis. Ginger tea can help stimulate digestion, alleviate nausea, and reduce inflammation in the stomach lining. 

Its warming properties can also provide relief from bloating and cramping. Incorporate ginger tea into your daily routine for improved digestive health.

  • Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root contains compounds that have been shown to promote gastrointestinal health. 

Drinking licorice root tea may help soothe the stomach lining and reduce inflammation associated with gastritis. However, it’s essential to consume licorice root tea in moderation, as excessive intake can lead to adverse effects.

  • Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds are known for their carminative properties, making fennel tea a popular choice for digestive issues. 

This herbal tea can help relieve bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort by promoting the expulsion of gas from the digestive tract. Additionally, fennel tea may aid in digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

  • Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm is a member of the mint family and is prized for its calming and digestive properties. Lemon balm tea can help soothe the stomach, reduce bloating, and relieve indigestion. 

Its mild lemon flavor adds a refreshing twist to your herbal tea routine while promoting better digestion.

  • Marshmallow Root Tea

Marshmallow root contains mucilage, a gel-like substance that coats and soothes the digestive tract. Drinking marshmallow root tea can help alleviate symptoms of gastritis, such as heartburn and stomach irritation. 

Regular consumption of marshmallow root tea may promote a healthy stomach lining and improve overall digestive function.

  • Dandelion Root Tea

Dandelion root tea is rich in antioxidants and has been traditionally used to support liver and digestive health. 

It stimulates bile production, which aids in the digestion of fats and may help relieve symptoms of gastritis. Dandelion root tea also acts as a gentle diuretic, promoting the elimination of toxins from the body.

  • Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can benefit digestive health. 

Cinnamon tea may help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining and alleviate symptoms of gastritis. Additionally, cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for individuals with gastritis associated with diabetes.

  • Turmeric Tea

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Drinking turmeric tea may help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining and alleviate symptoms of gastritis. Its earthy flavor adds warmth to your herbal tea experience while promoting better digestive health.


Herbal teas offer a natural and soothing way to support digestion and relieve symptoms of gastritis. 

From peppermint and chamomile to ginger and turmeric, there are numerous herbal teas to choose from, each with its unique benefits.

Incorporating these herbal teas into your daily routine can help promote better digestion, alleviate discomfort, and support overall gastrointestinal health. So, brew yourself a cup of herbal tea and toast to a happier, healthier digestive system.